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I would like to remind people, that technology is a part of life that can help us, but it’s not the reason for life.

– Where did the name “Golden Barbie” come from?
– When I was younger, my sister and I were trying to come up with fun names for social media. My family always called me “Goldilocks” because of my blonde hair and my friends would say I looked like a life-sized Barbie doll. The name Golden Barbie popped into my head and it stuck!
– We are currently living in a very “digital age”. What does that mean to you?
– Being in the digital age means that some sort of technology touches every aspect of our life. We use Google to ask every question that we think of and use an Apple Watch to count every step of a morning jog. I use my iPad for pretty much everything work related such as emails and reading scripts as well entertainment when I travel.
– How do you use digitalization and social media to build your platform and represent your personal brand?
– Social media is a creative outlet where I can share my voice. As a model, we’re able to be more personable with our audience and fans and have the opportunity to interact with them in a way that we’ve never had before thanks to social media. It’s a fun and creative place for me to share the things I truly like, use, and do from new makeup and skincare products to the different workout routines I’m exploring.
– Is there something you would want to see or change about technology?
– I would like to remind people that technology is part of life that can help us, but it’s not the reason for life. It’s really good take a break from all the dings and buzzing from time to time to focus on what’s in front of you.
– Tell us about your YouTube Channel.
– My YouTube channel is a place where I can have fun, be creative, and let loose and show everyone some fun behind-the-scenes of my everyday life. From all my trips to cooking and doing my make up, it’s really a window into my life.
– You have made a name for yourself over the years in runway, print, and social media. What are your tips for building a successful and diverse brand?
– The biggest part of a building a diverse brand is staying true to yourself. You have to go with your gut and don’t do it if it doesn’t feel right. I also believe that sharing the good along with the bad really allows fans and followers to connect with me on a human level.
– We saw you reading a book while you were in hair & makeup for our shoot: is reading part of your everyday routine? What were you reading on set, and what are some of your favorite books?
– Right now I’m reading The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory And and The Prophet by Khalil Gibran. I like to alternate between the two because The Proposal is lighter, funnier read while The Prophet is a deeper, and more philosophical read. I try to make time to read every day.
– How many real friends you feel are part of your backbone?
– I feel like all of my friends are part of my backbone. You are what you surround yourself with. I have a really supportive and motivating group of friends that listen to me and help in my times of need. They’re all so understanding of my busy schedule and that means the world to me.
– You project the image of joy. Do you ever have bad days? And if so... what is your go to thing to help in such moments?
– When I have bad days my immediate go-to’s are music and getting outside. I listen to gospel music or Whitney Houston and get fresh air to up my spirits on my low days.

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